Polls Product Sample — Sunday

This sample signup shows poll signups.

All the dates and times displayed are soft, not hard coded. The sample signups always happen on a day two weeks away from today. In this sample, on a Sunday.

You can touch a link to sign up to try different features. You will need to join the samples group,  your membership and signups will be removed after 3 hours. As a sample member, you can sign up on all the samples.

Getting Together

Emma Fanny Catherine Henrietta Marianne When can you come?
Brunch Sunday
Lunch Monday
Lunch Tuesday
Lunch Wednesday
Dinner Thrusday
Lunch Friday
Dinner Friday
Brunch Saturday
Dinner Saturday

Are you coming?

Monday at 10 am Monday 2 pm Wednesday at 10 am Wednesday at 2 pm Friday at 10 am Friday at 3 pm
Frank Yes Nope Yes Nope Yes Nope
Jane F Yes Nope Nope
Fitzwilliam Yes Nope Nope Nope Yes
Emma Nope Nope Yes Nope Nope
Jane B Yes Nope
Coming? Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope