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Agility Trial Volunteer Signup

Starter/Advanced Snooker - Thursday July 4, 2024

Welcome to the More Dogz volunteer pages where you can volunteer for our trials. To volunteer just click on a "Volunteer" link to volunteer.  Your name will appear and then you can click on it to add a comment or to un-volunteer.
Please note that this page has volunteer jobs that are during the trials, as well as immediately before and after (i.e. pre-trial and post-trial).
Many jobs can be done by high school volunteers for community involvement hours – mostly, you have to like being around dogs!
Please contact Lisa if you have any questions.
You need to login to volunteer or you can go to More Dogz to join the club, or simply click on "Volunteer" and fill in the form to become a More Dogz friend. Your contact information will be kept private, only your display name will be displayed publicly.
The volunteer jobs are colour coded to help you decide what to do.
  • Green jobs are for anyone, we'll help you learn what to do.
  • Blue means some experience is needed.
  • Black means you need lots of previous agility volunteer experience and knowledge of what the job entails.
Volunteer hours earned for trial work: four hours if signed up for the whole trial, whether tent or ringside or alternatively, one hour per event. Check-in earns two hours. Course building on all builds in a trial earns 1 hour; otherwise, it is 20 minutes per build. Setup earns 2 hours, and post-clean-up earns up to an hour.

Masters trials typically go until 9 pm or a little later, it should be finished by 9:30 pm.

Competitor and Volunteer Check-in

4:45 to End of Second Event
Check-in/Volunteers Libby

Score Table

The Trial
Score Keeper Dana

Starters Ring Jobs

Standard 1 Standard 2 Snooker 1 Snooker 2
Gate Keeper Jenn C
Timer Lisa K
Scribe Michele Fitzpatrick Michele G
Leash Runner Sheila M MacKenzie Madelaine
Ring Steward Pat S Volunteer
Ring Steward Judy Carr
Ring Steward M MacKenzie Volunteer Volunteer

Build Starters Courses (between events, so any competitor can volunteer)

Build Standard 2 Build Snooker 1 Build Snooker 2
Chief Course Builder Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Course Builder Judy Carr
Course Builder Heather S Lisa K
Course Builder Tony S.
Course Builder Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Course Builder Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer

Advanced Ring Jobs

Standard 1 Standard 2 Snooker 1 Snooker 2
Gate Keeper Chris M Michele Fitzpatrick
Timer Elaine M Volunteer Volunteer
Scribe Carolyn Heide
Leash Runner Christine C Elaine M
Ring Steward Peggy Story
Ring Steward Susan D A Chasse
Ring Steward Madelaine Volunteer

Build Advanced Courses (between events, so any competitor can volunteer)

Build Standard 2 Build Snooker 1 Build Snooker 2
Chief Course Builder Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Course Builder Heather S Volunteer Volunteer
Course Builder Cheryl
Course Builder Elaine M
Course Builder Susan D Volunteer Volunteer
Course Builder Bofeng Volunteer Volunteer

Trial Setup/Tear Down

Mowing Helper
12pm to 3pm
3pm to 5pm
Post Trial Cleanup
(1 hour max)
Chief Helper   Rhéal Volunteer
Helper Tania & Burley Leslie Cameron Tony S.
Helper   DominiqueT Volunteer
Helper   Elaine M
Helper   Volunteer  
Helper   Volunteer